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No New Posts Leader's Den - 1 Viewing

This is where the leader of ________Clan sleeps, or meets with his deputy and other high-respected cats.

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No New Posts Medicene Cat's Den

This is where ______Clan's Medicene cat and their apprentice sleep and store their herbs. There are a few beds of moss for sick cats

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No New Posts Central Clearing

_____________ The fresh-kill pile is located here. Cats usually come here to share-tounges, eat, or just relax.

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No New Posts Nursery

This is where the Queens of WindClan stay, until they are done raising their young. The kits stay here too, untill they become Apprentices.

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No New Posts Apprentice's Den

This is where the Apprentice's live. There are piles of moss for beds.

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No New Posts Warrior's Den - 1 Viewing

This is where the Warriors of WindClan sleep. There is many moss covered spots where they make their beds.

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No New Posts Elder's Den

This is where the Elder's live. They usually are in their dens all day, but some come out to bask in the sun or talk.

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WindClan Camp

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WindClan Camp
WindClan camp is situated within a steep hill, and the high walls provide shelter from most weather, and predators. Tall grass, brush, and shrubbery provide a form of confinement. However, it is easy for any living cat to slip away because of the fern tunnel that leads to bare valley uplands. To their advantage, an old, decayed willow tree sits just above camp. It's long, thick branches provide a canopy from most birds and such looking for easy prey. Most cats dig tunnels for their nests, others use the dug out caves or cragged hillsides as a form of security and shelter. WindClanners are agile and lean, and are best known for their hunting skills on the vast moors that make up the outskirts of WindClan.
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